Nevertheless, I do enjoy trying to share some of its magic through photography. I have sometimes wondered if this is more spoiling the magic than sharing it, and was comforted by these tweets from the City Museum's Twitter account in response to that very question:
"Bob [Cassilly, the Museum's late founder] always saw the museum as a mirrored ball. We all see it differently & at times the same. We love guest photos." . . . and . . . "We have always enjoyed seeing other people's perspective on the museum."With that in mind, here are my own perspectives on the Museum, as captured on an unusually slow Sunday afternoon. The photos are best viewed (at least on a desktop) by clicking on the first one, and then viewing them as a slideshow. For more photos of City Museum, check out my City Museum photoset on Flickr, or this post in tribute to Bob Cassilly.
Enjoy the photos—and then go enjoy the Museum!
